Time For.....A Theological Rethink

When church becomes (Caesar's Throne) a 'taxation office' and salvation is a free-for-all who have a christmas tree, send monies to the poor or shower the community with chocolate eggs mid-year, it's time to rethink your theology.

To even endeavour to connect taxation with tithing (and tithe with NT) is a square peg in a round hole project. But to put such a rope around the leg of a NT saint is fraud in your face......click.

James tells us to be doers of the words of Jesus the Christ not just hearers who end up deceived and hell bound......James 1:22....selah.

This scripture relates to the individual person and the saving of that ones soul, surely good advice and it's a beautiful sight to observe people walking in the truth also.

But just as most in today's - church - world twist scripture to suite their self designated lifestyles even so they very rarely believe what Yahweh says and display this to all by their teachings and quotes.......click.

Tithing is no doubt a 'Whore Church' belief which denies the wonder filled work and outworking of Calvary's Tree and the one who hung thereupon. It conveniently keeps in place human priests and obsoletes which slight and deny the renting of the temple veil......click.

Seething out of the same 'Whore Church', the One World-Church, the Church of the Second Command in a big way is that major stench.....unbelief!........click.

Unbelief in God's Word and the power thereof. Ignorant and arrogant religious people who teach that the 'Word of God' has no worth when spoken by a person who is not living up to it. How faithless and insulting is this in the eyes and ears of Father. As if the Word of God was somehow governed by a mere humans condition or standing. Did not the prophet say that Yahweh's Word can never return void and did not the apostle say that the word is preached regardless of the condition of men's hearts?.......Isaiah 55:11, Philippians 1:18.

Therefore the teaching and preaching of the word is for everyone's hearing and hopefully salvation. And the doing of the word is for all who desire to be saved from the wrath to come and hell-fire eternal. And this cannot be done unless we first love him/Jesus, who first loved us and enables us to love him by grace through faith........click.

However, matching words with actions or practicing what we preach is not only a goodly, honest thing but can prove to be soul-saving. Whatever the situation, nothing can ever devalue the worth of God's Word. Like the old religious saying (and it is religious not scripture) that "you are turning people away from God" or "people won't want to come to Jesus if you're poor" and don't have an IPOD. How pathetic can you get?......1 Timothy 4:16....click. 
God Almighty calls an individual to salvation, repentance and the entire process is brought to a standstill, halt, by a mere human. I have to say that I view God in a far greater power (actually infinite). There is only one who puts the salvation process off or to a dead end, an eternal-dead-end and that one is You.


Oils ain't oils and not all Israel are Israel and words ain't just words especially Mashiah's Words, for they are the words that lead to eternal life, they will never be put aside or ever die, they remain forever.....click.

Without the knowledge of scripture, the doctrine of the Christ we are poor and perishing, staggering along the wide-road all the way to perdition.
Rightly dividing the 'Word' by the power of the paraclete.
Pastor Paul Sheehan
Galatians 1:10

September 2007


P.S......Another humbling thought would have to be the reference of satan being released from his sentence (1,000 years) in the pit, bound by a chain unbreakable at Father's Command. What shall be the outcome once he is let off the (God made - unbreakable chain) chain once again to work his magic?.......Revelation 20:1, 2.

We have all seen the carnage of his wanderings last time, ref/Mrs. Eve Dusty-Rib, Mrs. Lot, The Church of John 6:66, Balaam and the Laodecians to mention a few. Surely a lesson in 'being not haughty'. And by this we are forever indebted to his 'Way-Doctrine' as from the  beginning of salvation, 'conditions apply' if we want to be part of Almighty God's Household forever....click.