Let us all awake and rejoice to the realisation/revelation that none of the following exist as being part with or accepted by the New Testament Church of Jesus the Christ......and if they do I would love to know the scriptures clarifying such practices.......

11.2.2008/ Pastor P. Sheehan, 7.00am, handed to web-master .....9.00am.
* Buildings/synagogues built by apostolic men of the bible.
* Tithes taken by born-again ministers in NT Church
* Sales of bible scripture to finance calling as minister.
* Rabbits and cross carrying productions on a yearly basis.
* Santy Seasons, apostles giving presents to one another and Mary starting a Jesus-Baby-Boy-Birthday Foundation.
* Mary, mother of the man Jesus being co-redeemer, queen of heaven and available for conversation after her death. Mary being ever-virgin, Mediatrix.
* An earthly priesthood remaining valid after Jesus cried out on the cross......."it is finished"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Preaching and teaching of self-esteem, positive thinking, positive living and negative thinking and living.
* Baptising the dead for salvation via proxy.
* Being saved by water baptism alone, sprinkle or otherwise.
* Baptism by water without full submersion.
* Promotions of family trees and genealogies, talking to dead people.
* Temples with secret handshakes and barbed fences and guards, ministers feeding monies to the government of the day.
* Altar calls in NT Church.
* Female Pastors/Church Leaders.
* Stipends and paid holidays for pastors (by offering monies).
* Reverend Titles and most right reverend titles.
* Pastors knocking on congregationers door for tithes if absent.
* Church leaders/ministers living in luxury.
* Retirement plan for church leader.
* Command to worship on the Sabbath.
* Bible colleges and institutions, at a price of course.
* Jumping castles, make-up classes and children's church.
* Old peoples church, under 50 church, over 20 church, under 16 church, over 5 church, under 10 church.
* Line dancing, superman visits, Jordan holiday trips packaged to accommodate the biggest whinger, honey comb packs to take back home to your brothers and sisters at the church who are struggling to pay school fees.
* Earthly marriages that apparently last for and go on into eternity......God help us!
* Continuation of earthly family and friends relationships in heaven as per usual.
* Limbo, purgatory and salvation for all in the end.
* Salvation for all who have at one time met and 'been' in Christ regardless of their condition on Jesus arrival or their death.....(ref/spot, blemish, wrinkle).
* Body-guards, bouncers and church thugs accompanying apostolic men.
* Apostles that don't do mighty signs and wonders neither have they had a bonafide intervention with the Christ.
* Backslidden, unclean or saints living in 'known sin' being saved and entering into heaven.
* Saints being close or distant friends of the world.
* Jesus siding with the devil/satan or any other liar.
* Keeping sacred any day, month, year on the Gregorian calendar for Christ's Sake.
* Jezebel women given an open door to speak loudly in the local church or teach the local church.
* Ahab men given places of authority in local church by the Christ.
* Organs, pianos tinkering while prophecy is being given.
* Promises of material wealth in NT Church.
* Rosary beads, scapulars, crosses hanging round the necks of apostles, special garments, ropes and hide-aways outside of city limits.
* Doctrines of 'absolute predestination' name in the lamb's book of life no matter what, come what may.
* No promises of Christ rejecting anyone especially those in pulpits.
And all of this and more is looking the world, the churched and the Christ in the face daily.....what d'ya reckon?..."We love you Jesus!"???????
* The NT Church providing education plans, art and dance courses, diplomas for easy entry into the world system and degrees in philosophy, psychology and counseling.
* Women's conferences, smoke bombs, jack-in-the-box surprises, with books for sale that are guaranteed to keep you from the bible and its doctrine forever.........$$$$$$$$$$$$.
* Promises of Messiah and his apostles teaching the churches that in due season all his followers will be healed, materially wealthy, debt free and conflict free, just keep tithing and giving extra offerings ref/Smyrna Saints, St. Paul.
* Humans making (canonising) other humans to be saints.
* Greater authority in a local church other than the pastor, with Mashiah as head and overseer of course.
* Prophets that have not been beaten, torched with fire, spat on, jailed, man-handled by both men and women, taken to the courts, had their words stolen from them by false (slippery) proclaimers out to make themselves someone God has not. And of course death by cruelty, sawn in two, beheaded, stoned, boiled in oil and lied about.
* 365 day bible reading planners, sure to grieve holy ghost each time he attempts to lead us into true-light, away from traditions of men and women.
* Jesus leaving his spotless-bride/the holy remnant on earth during the great-tribulation-period where Yahweh's Wrath will be poured out on rebels, trouble the earth has never known of ever, ref/Lot.
* Godly men isolating themselves from the holy remnant and sheep who walk in the light of the Christ's Doctrine resisting and refusing to subject themselves to an anointed pastor.
* Can you show me where the holy bible says sheep no longer need pastors or teachers for holy ghost will teach them.
* Disciples of Jesus test-driving all kinds of ministry callings till they stumble across theirs, so much for holy ghost leadership, the voice of God and the power of God. I was good at drinking alcohol, drugs, chain smoking, fist-fighting, swearing and immoral relationships but they were not my calling (at least not from Yahweh)
* No person can resist (say no to Jesus) if God has chosen them.
* Irresistible  Grace and humans without freewill.
* Complete nations handing themselves over to Jesus
* Latter Rain Mass Revival where myriads are swept into Jesus Christ Church prior to his coming....(ref/Matthew 24:38, 39)
* Apostles of Christ Jesus considering and teaching that the 'communion emblems of bread and wine' as the real body and blood of Jesus.
* Apostles of Jesus teaching the Church how to pray to Holy Spirit to change the emblems/elements (communion) into real flesh and blood, even Christ himself.
* Where the apostles taught the Church to pray to the dead village girl St. Mary (who was the mother of the man Jesus) and ask her to pray for them 'now and at the hour of their death'.
* And show me where there was ever a 'faithful or true' prophet of Yahweh who was esteemed Highly by the world/Jerusalem (Times) Magazine, Celebrity TV Gloss and Grott Shows, had honour in his own country and faired sumptuously daily.
* Show me in scripture where Jesus the Christ - Saviour and Judge of all accepted 'unrepentant' backslidders and the lukewarm christian-disciple as part of his bride, church and body.
There is no doubt a few changes need to be made before 'The Master' arrives, I suggest to all churched peoples and their supposed leaders maybe a theo-logical rethink would go well, lest he pass us by.....Selah.

To be continued.......................