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Kimaya Gives Thanks

A fter the national news broke a christian minister beimg set on fire by a professing muslim in the streets
streets of Brisbane City, the (victim) Pastor.....Paul Sheehan received this letter.
The attack was on the 07.03.02 and this letter was received on the 14.03.02 and it reads.........
Hello Paul............                                                                                        (copy of original letter)

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, just a quick note to encourage you Paul.
The information enclosed is something God told me to put together just for you.

The info speaks for itself started back in 1992, June the 4th when I was staying with my dying mother on Prayer Mountain / Ipswich way.

You were invited to preach and needless to say (used to lead me back to God).
You prophesied over my life the night before......around the campfire.

"Sister, you are going back to the land you came from ( I had just come back from pursuing a career as an actor in Hollywood ) but you will not be doing what you were doing" what came from your lips.
I personally knew what it meant.
Those words pierced my heart and I know it was truth, I knew I was called to the United States of America to serve God.

Well my friend, dearest time has finally arrived, 10 years later.
By the time you receive this I will be crossing the seas leaving all that I owned, loved and know, my whole life behind in order to start in full time.........prison ministry.

I am also in production for a couple of films and cutting a CD.
God has given back all that I gave up for Him 10 years ago but 100% more than what I could ever ask or even thought to ask for.
Thank you for your stand in Christ, your obedience and no compromise will for God.

Your sister in Christ
Kimaya Kelly

P.S. know this brother Paul, I understand you and your walk in God in the deepest sense, continue to run your race Paul, I'll be standing beside you to receive our crowns.


for deliverance from sin obey the word of God / holy bible


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