The full Counsel Newsletter - No 234

AND IF IT BEARS FRUIT WELL BUT IF NOT AFTER THAT YOU CAN CUT IT DOWN ......................................................LUKE 13:9.


This scripture is connected to the parable of the fig tree, the barren fig tree. Brother Donald Wilson my beloved fellow servant and minister in the Christ adopted this particular parable as a launching pad for his part in the body of Christ/The Living Church. And might I say he has blessed many a soul over the years with the light Father has given him to shine. My family, fellowship and I being ongoing wilful recipients of such beautiful light. (click here).

  • IF IT BEARS FRUIT (V9) tells us that we have a tree which is expected to bear fruit, surely a loving God would not expect something from someone that they are not capable of producing. You can breath freely, God does not expect the unsaved to bear fruit, Godly fruit. However God does expect the unsaved to bear fruit worthy of repentance......Matthew 3:8, John 15:2.
  • FOR THREE YEARS (V7) this certain man came looking for fruit for three years, this certain man was very kind, generous and hopeful, he gave the tree/person, three years so to speak. But he found no fruit...Divine Time is called grace..........Hebrews 2:3.
  • CUT IT DOWN (V7) was the word from the owner, it's a waste of space
  • LET IT ALONE THIS YEAR (V8) the keeper wanted to dig around and fertilise this tree, he wanted to try to help this tree, save this tree/person from destruction, from being cut down, cast out................ .............James 5:19, 20, Isaiah 5:1-7.
  • IF IT BEARS FRUIT, WELL.....there must be fruit, progress, change and reason for the tree to be granted a place in this vineyard.......Matthew 5:13.
  • BUT IF NOT (V9) cut it down was the agreement. We also find this very same point placed in the story of the.............branch in Him/Jesus, ref/John 15:2. And again we also read in Romans 11:22 about those who do not continue in his/Jesus goodness they shall be cut off. Now is the time of salvation and the day is also called now.

When we are planted in a yard that is expected to bear fruit let us never (wilfully) forget the noble vine, noble meaning excellent or of high moral qualities, the noble vine which turned into the degenerate plant. This is found written in the book of Jeremiah. Much soap, perfume or after shave can not remove the dirty stains of sin.......Jeremiah 2:21, 22....(click here)

We are told by the judge himself, Jesus that all unfaithful people of God shall be cut into pieces, a fair, equitable warning for all I believe. They then are numbered with the hypocrites......Matthew 24:51...(click here)

Woe unto all the men and women who suppress the truth. Suppress means to hold back, restrain or withdraw from publication......Bible ref/Romans 1:18......selah!,amen.  

Pastor Paul Sheehan
