(prophetic message from Yahweh)
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves .. ref/Matthew 10:16.

I woke this morning and considered it another day. But my sweet Lord confirmed something to me that has been brewing in me now for some time.

As I had a shave I ask my God deep within, I said “Lord, what will it be like in 2015”. And Jesus my God said to me by His Spirit, quietly and surely He said.. “UNSEEN IN TWO FIFTEEN”.

So I pondered on this as I continued to ready myself for the day ahead and to go to the streets and Preach the ‘Greatest Love Message’ the World has ever had the privilege to hear.. ‘Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins on Faith-Obedience’… ref/Luke 24:47.

Jesus was saying to me that in 2015, we will hear and see what has never been seen before in Australia regarding Churches, so called Pastors and Ministers who just use the name of Jesus while running Businesses and are in love with gain/mammon $$$. Although it has been lying dormant in them (unseen) for some time, (hidden by superficial smiles) it will now be revealed what they really are, it is the Lords timing.

There will be no ‘Fear of God’ at all among Churched peoples, Denominational, Orthodox, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic Churched people and Pagan alike. They will totally ignore, even despise the ‘Truth and Judgment of Yahweh-God’ and attack those who speak the Unadulterated-Truth, in order to please the majority and the Community they live in.

Ultimately aiming to protect their own Seared – Consciences and Cherished Sin Lives. They actually love their (Unsaved) Community Minded Programs more they love Jesus the Christ, because there is glory and praises there for them, not to mention fringe benefits and monies .. ref/Matthew 10:32-42.

Jesus was telling me that I will literally see and know my enemies in 2015. And to see and know who they are will only confirm who I thought they were all along. Yes, 2015 will be a year of Division and Desertion like never before, with Religious-Rats abandoning the Gospel Ship for one reason (gain) or another, most probably Ecumenical Demands. For sure the Falling-Away/Apostasy must come first .. ref/2 Thessalonians 2:2-4.

Australia will face and desperately welcome an Ecumenical Revival not a Holy Ghost Revival. The Spiritual Climate in Australia and the World at large will be saturated with Anti-Christ (anti-truth, anti-judgment, anti-exclusion, anti-holiness, anti-righteousness, anti-obedience, anti-morality) attitudes across the social, political, religious, family, educational and workplace sectors.

And our only way of survival (escaping backsliding and joining them) is to ‘WALK IN THE LIGHT OF HIS WORD-DOCTRINE’ on a daily basis. Are you ready to face the ‘UNSEEN (THAT WILL BE SEEN) IN TWO FIFTEEN’?

I received almost instant confirmation of all this as I started to Preach on the street this morning. I preached on the subjects of the ‘Pagan Christian Christmas, Millionaire Ministers with debt riddled Congregations, Pedophile Churches like AOG-ACC-Frank Houston (deceased), RCC, SALVOS, ANGLICANS, UNITING CHURCH etc, the Tithe-Lie, Hell-Fire Eternal and Heaven is Unleavened.. ref/ Luke 8:21, Revelation 21:8, John 15:18-19, Proverbs 29:27, Matthew 10:22.

I had a brother with me to witness it all, he was standing a little ways off watching on shaking his head with unbelief. Brother Isara Nuuola witnessed the AOG Church members coming against me, along with the local pagans cussing me and Hillsong (fans) women firing filthy language at me and raising their voices above mine. After a short while local pagans started to come out of the shadows and attack me verbally like a pack of wolves on a lamb. All Howling together in their Godless Community Unity, Whore Churches and all.  And sad to say and see that Churched peoples who love their ‘Pagan Christmas Season’ were amongst  the loudest… all in one accord saying  ‘Crucify Him!.. Crucify Him!’.. and it’s not even the Rabbit (Easter) Season, it’s the Santy Season .. ref/1 Peter 2: 7-8.


I was threatened and abused for a good 15 mins, all because I was Preaching ‘Repent and Turn from your Sins, Idolatry, Selfishness, Pagan Religions, Immorality, Sodomy, Thieving, Drunkeness and Lying. You could say, Shirt fronting my Sin-Riddled Detractors. Now what is so bad about that? Yes, it will be ‘UNSEEN (MADE VISIBLE) IN TWO FIFTEEN’. Surely the Word/the Truth exposes (reveals the real you) the thoughts and intentions of the hearts of men and women.. ref/Hebrews 4:12.

 And to put the cherry on the cake (so to speak) after I packed up and walked across the road to my car, they had just set up the ‘2014/Remembrance Day Memorial Celebration for the World War 1 Soldiers’ (Amnesty Int).

 And as I crossed the road after my ‘Warring in the Spirit’ with Angry Adamic Churched Peoples and Pagans, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the ‘REAL (FIRST) FIRST WORLD WAR’ .. In the Garden of Eden which had been initiated, started by a Loud Mouthed Matriarchal Woman called Eve, hence WAR was Declared between .. HUMANITY (MEN-WOMEN) AND GOD HIMSELF-THE TRUTH - THE CREATOR.. and is still raging this very day as you just read.

 War (rebellion) was declared on The Truth-God - Jesus and then God declared War (judgment) on Liars/Devils and Sinners starting in Eden. And unless there be ‘True Repentance’  by men and women alike, an  ‘ Eternal Living Hell’ is all that awaits them. According to the Truth .. The Doctrine of the Christ who was Crucified for speaking The Truth to a Hateful World of Sinners.

 As we all witness on the News Nightly.. Iraq, ISIS, Muslims, Pedophiles, Sodomites, Thieves, Crooked – Filthy Rich – Religions, Drug Runners, Matriarchal Women, Ahab Men, Rebel Children and Evil – Self Interested Governments. The War is still raging and God’s Cup of Wrath/Anger is filling up and one day it will overflow .. ref/Revelation 14:9-11.


Even the Message that I will be teaching tomorrow (12.11.2014) confirms all of this, which is ‘Fighting the Goodly Fight’ (which talks about the difference between people having a Private War going on and Contending for the Faith-Doctrine of Messiah) I first taught and published this in May 2003. Yet it has fallen successively, in our teachings @ JtCm-Mission tomorrow, confirming this very event today. This is Walking in the Spirit at its best .. Glory Halleluyah!
I suggest you prepare now for the ‘UNSEEN (OBVIOUS) IN TWO FIFTEEN’.. Repent and be Forgiven!.. For they call Evil Good and Good Evil and they ‘Decriminalise what God - Jesus the Christ has Criminalised’ and called Damnable.. ref/Genesis 19:1-29.

Happy New Year
Pastor: Paul Sheehan
Matthew 10:22
PS.. Scripture says that it is a ‘Righteous thing with God-Jesus to repay all with trouble those who trouble His Disciples’ .. ref/2 Thessalonians 1:6-8.