"he who has one ear"
Due to the extreme lack of Godly/Messianic Counsel available today on the planet JTCM has put together one single disc with 7 simple, solid, sound messages, teaching listeners how to recognise the Christ's Counsel....click.

This disc is most assuredly otherworldly and would not be acceptable to the likes of laodecians, but perfect for those who long to leave laodecian lifestyles. call today for your copy, no price tag, bar code or postage fee.....click.

One thing we can be assured of when asking of Jesus the Christ's Counsel and that is that it is 'fiery and full'.....click.

The Christ's Counsel saves from God's Wrath to come and Hell's Fire!
Acts 3:23, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10.....selah......click

July 2008...........this is an MP3 disc